Guides for Farmers working with different target groups

A core principle of social farming is that it is person-centred, that everyone is an individual first and foremost, regardless of why they have chosen to take part in social farming or what their challenges in life are. However, we can also improve practice and support people more effectively if we distinguish between and understand more about the different target groups who spend time on social farms.

The guides are designed to provide farmers and course instructors (that train practitioners) with insights and learning on many aspects of social farming with people with a range of backgrounds, needs, challenges and perspectives.

We hope that these Guides will support you in engaging more confidently and effectively with existing or new target groups on your or your student`s farm. All documents are available as publisher files as well. This way teachers can add own content if needed.

Guides for Farmers

PowerPoint Presentations: Teaching material about target groups and their involvement in Social Farming

These PowerPoint Presentations give an insight into social farming with specific target groups. Students will get an overview of target groups, general characteristics and needs that might come with a disability or specific circumstances in life. On top of that, the benefits social farming has for specific groups are looked at. While the core offering may be the same and people will experience many benefits and outcomes in common, there are clearly differences between the support needs, activities, approach required, challenges, etc. in working with different groups. The presentations give practical advice about how to involve different target groups in farming activities and how to create a secure and barrier-free environment for different target groups. The presentations complement the textbook “Social Work in Farming”. They include suggestions for discussions and exercises. The Presentations can be combined and added to fit the needs of every lecturer.

Research Report: Farming environment as a means of guiding and supporting people from specific target groups

This study is looking at specific target groups of social farming. 45 social farmers, social workers, supervisors and other practitioners working in social farming, working at social farms in the Netherlands, Germany, the Czech Republic and Ireland, have been interviewed to get a deeper insight into the work with different target groups. Also, participatory observations were realized to get a better understanding of the participant’s perspective. Seven target groups of social farming (refugees, people with intellectual disabilities, people with mental health challenges, people with physical disabilities, young people at risk, people in recovery from addiction, older people) have been looked at.

What effects does farming have on their well-being? Are there any unique features (special benefits, specific activities, challenges) when looking at a specific target group? What are the key competencies of the social farmers and what role do they have towards participants? These questions have been answered in the research report.

Text book – Client groups and their involvement in Social Farming

Through interviews and participant observation, the SoFARTEAM-Project has gathered extensive learning and insight from experienced social farmers and support workers in health, social care etc. on working with specific target groups. In this textbook, it combines this with the latest academic research and learning and the expertise of the Project partners. The textbook addresses a range of important questions when it comes to working with various target groups in social farming:

What are the specific characteristics and needs of individual target groups?

How can the participants benefit from their time on the farm?

How can farmers make the best use of their particular agricultural environment to promote the development of their participants?

What activities and approaches work best with each target group?

What are the challenges which may be experienced in working with specific groups and how can conflicts be addressed?

What can farmers expect from the collaboration?

In addition to the chapters on specific target groups, there are several more general or cross-cutting chapters which cover topics such as an introduction to social farming, social farming theories, requirements for social farming and social farming in practice.

Quality Standards for Teaching Social Farming – what future farmers need to know to be successful

What do future social farmers need to know to be successful? The “Quality standards for teaching social farming” respond to this question. The strategic partnership “Social Farming in Higher Education” has developed quality standards that help higher education institutions do develop social farming lessons that pay attention to the interdisciplinary of social farming.

This paper wants to support higher education institutions that are offering or planning to offer social farming courses. It aims at determining quality standards that set the frame for high-quality education in social farming. The quality standards for teaching social farming refer to the teaching content and its prioritisation. This way they can support university course offers on social farming and its comparability in Europe.

Curriculum – Social Farming in Higher Education

Based on the Quality Standards developed in this project, a Curriculum for social farming in higher education has been developed.

The Quality Standards relate both to the subjects and topics included in the Curriculum. Therefore, all practitioners share a common base of knowledge, and the students develop skills and experiences during the programme, in accordance with the standard Bologna Accord procedures.

Pedagogical Guide – Methodological material for teachers for effective teaching of social farming

The Pedagogical Guide gives ideas on how to elaborate the Abstracts according to the teachers and institutional needs into full and practical teaching material that is competency-based and is consistent with the Curriculum and the Quality Standards for teaching social farming.

Abstract Book – Containing abstracts of sample courses for degree and short courses in social farming

The Abstract Book aims at supporting people – specifically those who wish to create programmes and courses in Higher Education on Social Farming. This Abstract Book should be used in conjunction with the Pedagogical Guide and the Textbook.

Textbook for direct use in the classrooms

The Textbook presents a selection of seven Abstracts elaborated into practical teaching material with the content, the exercises, the ideas for homework and containing other links and references.

Tips and tricks for teaching social farming online

This document is a guide to help those who wish to create online courses in social farming. It introduces the topic and the basic vocabulary of the field, and focuses on key themes such as design, pedagogics, etc., before providing a set of tips for how to structure and create content. This is followed by a specific section on MOOCs, introducing the basic vocabulary used by their proponents. Next to the comprehensive Online Guide, Ideas for teaching social farming online are summarized in a short presentation.